Rose Arc added to Navigation

You can now view and access the Rose Arc from the Navigation bar. The links currently redirect to their game pages, all except Reflections of the Wordless Muse, which are a series of short pieces connected to Nachtheulen’s plot. An additional title called Maiden Voyage is currently planned to bridge the gap between Nachtheulen -complete- and Blood Rose.

In terms of Nachtheulen -complete-‘s progress, the game file has been updated with the general Bug Fixes and Housekeeping (I actually title it this within the editor), Leander’s correct chain system, and several other systems which will need to be balanced before I dub the game acceptable gameplay-wise.

I intend to curb the exploitable nature of Fionn’s skills, and perhaps increasing Leander’s default HP by a 100 points. At current there is only one person I am aware of who hasn’t cursed GOD DAMMIT LEANDER STOP DYING (paraphrased) throughout a play through of the current set up.

The Wrath Arc will most likely be the next to be added, as I begin posting Reaper‘s chapters. Either Wrath, or Extended Universe. I won’t be adding the other Arcs for a while…for reasons.

~ by sorceresskyrsty on March 4, 2013.

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